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Silicon Valley Chapter Relaunch

26. January / 6:30 pm PST

Event details

Date: 26. January

Schedule: 6:30 pm PST

Event type: Online

Organizer: Silicon Valley Chapter

Do you work in Silicon Valley or are you looking for new opportunities and would like to connect with other Latinxs? On Wednesday, January 26th at 6:30 pm PST, Latinas in Tech Silicon Valley will host its first virtual event, and you are invited!

What to expect?

A meet n’ greet with our chapter leads. Career advise that has helped our chapter leads be successful. A space to help shape our events for 2022. Chances are you’ll find amazing people and you’ll leave feeling more connected to your community in Silicon Valley.

Silicon Valley Chapter Relaunch

26. January / 6:30 pm PST

Event finished