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Date: 01. October

Schedule: 11:00 am CDT

Event type: In-Person

Location: 1746 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago, IL

Hello and happy Friday Chicagoland Latinas in Tech, The Chicago Chapter of Latinas in Tech is excited to announce an event for Aspiring Technical Leaders within our community.Latinas in Tech is thrilled to partner with McMaster-Carr for a unique brunch experience alongside Society of Women Engineers at Forbidden Root on Saturday, October 1st.

Interested in connecting with talented women technologists in Chicago to learn and share about career progression and opportunities in software development? Join McMaster-Carr as we host a conversation designed to connect aspiring technical leaders and offer techniques to champion your career growth. Women from McMaster-Carr will share experiences and learnings from their career over brunch. Please RSVP by September 26.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out directly.

Championing Your Technical Growth, Career Progression & Mentorship

01. October / 11:00 am CDT

Event finished