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Date: 13. January

Schedule: 3:00 pm PST

Event type: Online

Latinas in Tech welcomes you to our first engagement opportunity, with one of the leading social media companies, offering you a chance to connect, learn and apply to be a part of their team! Join us for a panel discussion followed by networking, with some of Snapchat’s leading media strategist, where they will discuss their experience working at one of the world’s leading social media platforms, a chance to networking with members of the Snapchat communities and learn more about their career and internship opportunities available to you this year!


Featured Panelist:

Nina Mishkin, Director, Creative Strategy at Snap Inc.

Abigail Crocket, Marketing Operations and Strategy Manager at Snap Inc.

Matt McGowen, Director and General Manager, at Snap Inc. Canada

LiT & Snap Inc. : The Business Behind Tech

13. January / 3:00 pm PST

Event finished